Many people know that a little over a month ago we lost my older sister Mary, her husband John, my 6 year old nephew Kane, 4 year old niece Rorrie and 6 month old nephew Colson. The last six weeks have been by far the hardest few weeks of my life, harder than giving birth and becoming a new mom, harder than anything anyone could ever imagine.
My parents especially are having a really rough time. I've been driving back and forth to be with them and help them as much as possible the last six weeks.
My cousin Kerri always said a Prater man loves kids and that all Prater men were meant to be fathers and grandfathers and it is so true. Every man in our family has had so many kids and grandkids and they were definitely all our favorites to be around, her dad, my uncle was by far my favorite. It's so funny hearing those things your whole life, Prater men love kids over and over.
It never really impacted me as much as it does now seeing my dads heart shred to pieces in losing his daughter and four grandchildren. My dad has been our glue and strength since forever and for him to break down as much as he has and still be able to be all our strength is unimaginable.
I try to remember all the good times through all the sadness. These sunflowers took me back to so many memories with my family when I was a kid. It felt nice to be surrounded by a field of sun shine yellow flowers... good for the soul.